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Tempests continue kissing some breasts

one night
i saw a moon larger than life.
in response to the discriminants..
tearing peace in pieces...
an answer to the orthodoxy..
where love still ceases.
one night
i saw a moon larger than life..
and a darkness so ardent
muffling ageless strife.

that  night
a day or two before twilight.
moon was imperfect yet bright.
some tempest kissing my coconut tree..
some frequency from a radio tuned to bbc..
some pigeons silent ,white yet dark..
some wood fire flickering  , a hope in spark.

that night
a day or two before twilight
an inevitable line
that separated two blood, two skins..
that boast of two different origins..
the inevitable line was invisible that night.
different colours narrowed down to dark.
the voice of distinction ,so ardent in the light
all muffled under my pistoll's bark..................

 tempests continue kissing some breasts..
love continues crossing the line..
so i continue testing the wine..........
so they continue cutting in pieces...
discriminants of faith..........
will never take the last breath..
so will love ..
so will the tempest.................

pistol  is name of  my little me he also does not understand language of discrimination.


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